Saturday, 23 November 2019


Direct Speech

Cuando queremos informar exactamente de lo que otra persona ha dicho, utilizamos el estilo directo. Con este estilo lo que la persona ha dicho se coloca entre comillas (“…”) 

"He is going to Brasil next week" (Va a Brasil la semana que viene)

Carol said, "I love painting" (Carol dijo:  "Amo pintar")

Reported Speech

El estilo indirecto, no utiliza las comillas y no necesita ser palabra por palabra. En general, cuando se usa el estilo indirecto, el tiempo verbal cambia. A continuación tienes una explicación de los cambios que sufren los tiempos verbales.
A veces se usa “that” en las frases afirmativas y negativas para introducir lo que ha dicho la otra persona.

Present SimplePast Simple
  “Ben is American,” she said.  She said Ben was American.

Present ContinuousPast Continuous
  “Jaques is living in Paris,” she said.  She said Jaques was living in Paris.

Past SimplePast Perfect Simple
  “They went to the opera last night,” he said.  He told me they had gone to the opera the night before.

Present Perfect SimplePast Perfect Simple
  Celia said, “I’ve already eaten.”  Celia told me that she’d already eaten.

Present Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
  “I’ve been learning German for two years,” he said.  He said he’d been learning German for two years.

Here I leave a useful chart. Hope you find it interesting

This is a chart showing how tenses change

This is a chart which shows how some demonstrative pronouns and some expressions of time change

If I can be of any help, just write:

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Hi travelers!! I´m sure you´ll find this dialogue useful. 
Read it in a loud voice, listen to it as many times as you can and enjoy!

Here I leave the audio. Practice, practice and practice!!!

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Travelers! Here I go again!! Need some help with vocabulary?
Have a look. Simple, precise, and best of all: useful!!!!!

Here I leave the audio!

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Hi! Travelers. 
Here I go again with another interesting and useful listening and reading practice

Here´s the link to the audio

Thursday, 22 August 2019

English help for travelers continues, but thanks to the contribution of a reader, I would like to add to this entry something about a particularly worrying topic: HOMOPHONES.

Here, I leave a link for you to enjoy, read calmly and incorporate patiently.

I´ve found this incredibly useful link on a page I use a lot and admire: curso-de-ingles. Try this page, you´ll find it really helpful.

And Nancy, the fantastic woman who wrote to me selflessly, sent me another link to a great page too, "" where you´ll find amazing explanations too. Here I leave you the link.

Hope you find the information you need. If it is not enough, write to me. It would be a pleasure to help you. Love, Ana.


Listen here:

Sunday, 14 July 2019

More help for you, traveller!!!

Hope you find it helpful and useful

Audio link

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Help for travelers

Lesson 5 

Audio link

Sunday, 5 May 2019

English help for travelers

Lesson 4

Link audio

Thursday, 25 April 2019

English help for travelers

Lesson 3

Don´t forget to listen to the audio many times. Try to imitate the pronunciation and help yourself with the text. 


Thursday, 18 April 2019

Here you have the second unit of this great book. Enjoy it, learn and Travel!!!!!!!!!

Lesson 2


Listen to this audio many times, read in a loud voice, practice, practice and practice. That´s all

Wednesday, 13 March 2019


Lesson 1

There is a great book called Travel English which helps travelers with the expressions they may need. Have a look, study them, listen and improve your pronunciation!!


Monday, 11 March 2019

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Find the 27 lessons on YOUTUBE. They are really helpful

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Let´s continue with these interesting videos found at LEARN ENGLISH VOA NEWS.COM 

Remember: take your time, enjoy, listen, repeat, imitate and WRITE DOWN everything is new or important for you. 

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

See you next entry!!

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

I´m sure these videos from  Learn English online page will help you a lot . Try them. 
I leave you the links which will send you to the first lessons. 
Start from the very beginning and you´ll learn these expressions FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Hope this is useful for you. Hugs, Annie

Saturday, 2 March 2019


Have a look at what I´ve found to help you
if there´s anything I can do to help you, just let me know.

Thursday, 14 February 2019


Here I leave a chart with the most relevant english tenses. You can stick it on your fridge and look at it anytime. You will see how helpful it is.  And you will see they are not so hard to remember

Este cuadro sobre los tiempos verbales más relevantes (tomado de la pág. daydream) puedes pegarlo en la heladera y mirarlo a cada rato. Verás que te será de mucha ayuda! No son tan difíciles de recordar

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Antes de comenzar a aprender gramática inglesa, es muy conveniente repasar conceptos básicos que podemos haber olvidado o bien, nunca haber aprendido correctamente. 

Before starting to work with English grammar, it is advisable to review basic concepts we may have forgotten or perhaps we have not learned properly.

Miren este cuadro (encontrado en la pág. de creative teaching press) y repasen o estudien.

Have a look at this chart

Equivalentes en castellano

Monday, 11 February 2019

Have a look at what I´ve found at

You will find a lot of help in this great list. Just give a quick look at it. 

Thursday, 24 January 2019

DUMBO comes back in 2019

Some practice for those who are a little familiarised with English

1)You can practice listening and reading because the trailer of this new film has subtitles in English and Spanish

2) After listening and reading many times, try reading in a loud voice, it is really beneficial, really helpful to soften your tongue. If you want to improve your writing skills, try to imagine a different ending to Dumbo´s story. Send it to me and I´ll tell you if there´s anything to change. 

3) If you´re a mom who wants to practice English, you can do it together with your kids BUT first, you´ll have to look up in the dictionary the words you don´t know. Thus, you´ll both enjoy the story.

4) If you just want to remember the story, here´s the link of it in Spanish

Hope you enjoy it!!

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

How about trying the same "exposing " techniques and see if we can achieve similar results 

 Intentemos con las técnicas de "exponernos" a la lengua inglesa y veamos qué resultados alcanzamos

If you don´t want to spend your whole life trying different ways to learn English until it comes the time you feel you really know it, or at least, you can understand what people say if you ask them to speak slowly for you or you can say in simple sentences what you want or what you need, take a few minutes and have a look at these suggestions.

Si no quieres pasar tu vida estudiando diferentes formas de aprender inglés hasta sentir que realmente lo sabes, o por lo menos, que puedes entender a las personas cuando les pides que te hablen lentamente o que puedes decir en oraciones sencillas lo que deseas o necesitas, tómate unos minutos y mira estas sugerencias. 

We all notice that when children start learning their native language, from the very beginning they make pronunciation mistakes, vocabulary mistakes and grammar mistakes. But after spending their first years close to their parents, relatives and classmates, they start noticing that there are some things they need to correct. 

Todos sabemos que cuando los niños están adquiriendo su lengua materna, durante ese proceso, ellos cometen errores de vocabulario, de gramática, de pronunciación. Pero luego de pasar un tiempo razonable en compañía de sus familiares, amigos, compañeros de clase, los niños van descubriendo la forma correcta de usar la lengua.

This process of "realising" how things are said properly is the result of all the time they are exposed to their own language. So, the same happens to us, endless students of English, who die to learn the language once and for all.

 Ese proceso de "descubrir" cuál es la forma apropiada de expresarnos es el resultado de EXPONERNOS A LA LENGUA. De esa manera, si nosotros, eternos estudiantes de inglés, hacemos lo mismo, lo aprenderemos de una vez y para siempre.

How about trying the same "exposing " techniques and see if we can achieve similar results 

Qué tal si usamos las mismas técnicas de exposición y vemos que efectivamente podemos alcanzar los mismos resultados?

What do I mean by "exposing techniques"?
Read aloud, listen, speak when you are alone, and write? try to write these simple expressions. 

Qué quiero decir cuando digo "técnicas de exposición? Lee en voz alta, escucha inglés, habla contigo mismo cuando nadie te ve (hasta sentirte más seguro) y escribe. Intenta TODO despacio y desde un principio en adelante. 
Cómo escuchar música  o ver películas si casi no entiendes nada? Vamos paso a paso. Y sin pausas.

Slowly but at a steady pace

Try the following activities taking 45 minutes of your time two or three times a week.

Intenta las siguientes actividades. Te acercaré ejercicios para desarrollar tus diferentes habilidades GRADUALMENTE.

From the very beginning: 
1) say hello

2) Say good bye
See you later
See you soon
Talk to you later
Have a nice day
Take care
It was nice to see you again

3) Saying your name and where you come from

YOU: Hi, I´m .............. and I´m from .................., and you? (you can offer your hand while you say this) 
            or, if you prefer you can say
NEW PERSON: Hello, my name is Kev and I am from Poland

YOU: Nice to meet you

You can prefer different greetings such as: Good morning /afternoon/evening and perhaps you prefer the well known question Where are you from?

Remember if you want to break the ice or to keep the conversation going, you can say: (para romper el hielo o mantener la conversación puedes decir:)

How are you? (Cómo estás? // Cómo está?)
What are you doing here? (Qué estás haciendo aquí? // Qué hace ud aquí?)
Are you having a good time? (Lo está pasando bien? // Lo estás pasando bien?)

Listen and enjoy this video lesson!!

Remember. Expose yourself to English. In a few couple of lessons you will get a lot of confidence