Thursday, 24 January 2019

DUMBO comes back in 2019

Some practice for those who are a little familiarised with English

1)You can practice listening and reading because the trailer of this new film has subtitles in English and Spanish

2) After listening and reading many times, try reading in a loud voice, it is really beneficial, really helpful to soften your tongue. If you want to improve your writing skills, try to imagine a different ending to Dumbo´s story. Send it to me and I´ll tell you if there´s anything to change. 

3) If you´re a mom who wants to practice English, you can do it together with your kids BUT first, you´ll have to look up in the dictionary the words you don´t know. Thus, you´ll both enjoy the story.

4) If you just want to remember the story, here´s the link of it in Spanish

Hope you enjoy it!!

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

How about trying the same "exposing " techniques and see if we can achieve similar results 

 Intentemos con las técnicas de "exponernos" a la lengua inglesa y veamos qué resultados alcanzamos

If you don´t want to spend your whole life trying different ways to learn English until it comes the time you feel you really know it, or at least, you can understand what people say if you ask them to speak slowly for you or you can say in simple sentences what you want or what you need, take a few minutes and have a look at these suggestions.

Si no quieres pasar tu vida estudiando diferentes formas de aprender inglés hasta sentir que realmente lo sabes, o por lo menos, que puedes entender a las personas cuando les pides que te hablen lentamente o que puedes decir en oraciones sencillas lo que deseas o necesitas, tómate unos minutos y mira estas sugerencias. 

We all notice that when children start learning their native language, from the very beginning they make pronunciation mistakes, vocabulary mistakes and grammar mistakes. But after spending their first years close to their parents, relatives and classmates, they start noticing that there are some things they need to correct. 

Todos sabemos que cuando los niños están adquiriendo su lengua materna, durante ese proceso, ellos cometen errores de vocabulario, de gramática, de pronunciación. Pero luego de pasar un tiempo razonable en compañía de sus familiares, amigos, compañeros de clase, los niños van descubriendo la forma correcta de usar la lengua.

This process of "realising" how things are said properly is the result of all the time they are exposed to their own language. So, the same happens to us, endless students of English, who die to learn the language once and for all.

 Ese proceso de "descubrir" cuál es la forma apropiada de expresarnos es el resultado de EXPONERNOS A LA LENGUA. De esa manera, si nosotros, eternos estudiantes de inglés, hacemos lo mismo, lo aprenderemos de una vez y para siempre.

How about trying the same "exposing " techniques and see if we can achieve similar results 

Qué tal si usamos las mismas técnicas de exposición y vemos que efectivamente podemos alcanzar los mismos resultados?

What do I mean by "exposing techniques"?
Read aloud, listen, speak when you are alone, and write? try to write these simple expressions. 

Qué quiero decir cuando digo "técnicas de exposición? Lee en voz alta, escucha inglés, habla contigo mismo cuando nadie te ve (hasta sentirte más seguro) y escribe. Intenta TODO despacio y desde un principio en adelante. 
Cómo escuchar música  o ver películas si casi no entiendes nada? Vamos paso a paso. Y sin pausas.

Slowly but at a steady pace

Try the following activities taking 45 minutes of your time two or three times a week.

Intenta las siguientes actividades. Te acercaré ejercicios para desarrollar tus diferentes habilidades GRADUALMENTE.

From the very beginning: 
1) say hello

2) Say good bye
See you later
See you soon
Talk to you later
Have a nice day
Take care
It was nice to see you again

3) Saying your name and where you come from

YOU: Hi, I´m .............. and I´m from .................., and you? (you can offer your hand while you say this) 
            or, if you prefer you can say
NEW PERSON: Hello, my name is Kev and I am from Poland

YOU: Nice to meet you

You can prefer different greetings such as: Good morning /afternoon/evening and perhaps you prefer the well known question Where are you from?

Remember if you want to break the ice or to keep the conversation going, you can say: (para romper el hielo o mantener la conversación puedes decir:)

How are you? (Cómo estás? // Cómo está?)
What are you doing here? (Qué estás haciendo aquí? // Qué hace ud aquí?)
Are you having a good time? (Lo está pasando bien? // Lo estás pasando bien?)

Listen and enjoy this video lesson!!

Remember. Expose yourself to English. In a few couple of lessons you will get a lot of confidence

Tuesday, 15 January 2019


Video in English with subtitles

Video in Spanish with subtitles

If you want to practice or  improve your English, watch the first video and try to do the following exercises. If not, just watch them. They are really interesting.

a) Find words on the video which means:
. skilled, experienced
. able to be seen or understood
. to see something or someone for a very short time
. take something in your hand and hold it firmly
. the moment at which something unpleasant begins
. not perfect
. to cause something to start

b) Watch the first part of the video and 
. Explain with your words the difference between being (check with a dictionary)

c) Try to answer these two questions

- Did you enjoy any of the videos? Justify your answer
- Do any of the videos change your opinion about the benefits of learning a language? Why/Why not?

d) Say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE

. Gabriela is a complete bilingual
. Recent studies show language how learning affects the bilingual brain
. Children do not learn languages more easily
. Being multilingual does not show significant benefits
. It´s possible that learning languages can delay the onset of certain diseases

First exercise answers:
proficient , apparent , glimpse , grasp , onset , flawed , trigger.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Let´s practice and/or learn vocabulary. How about enjoying the new trailer of (English version) (Spanish version)

First of all, try to work with vocabulary groups. If you group words according to for example: 

. Months of the year: The film will be released in February. Do you remember the names of the rest of the months?

. Parts of the body (animals and humans): eyes, wings, legs, etc

. Colours: name or write the colours you see: blue, red, purple, etc

. Useful words or expressions : to suit up: prepararse // to prepare to take part in something, especially a sport, by putting on a uniform.
                                                     on your own: por ti mismo // to do sth without help of anyone else
                                                     sitter: niñera // a babysitter
                                                     bud: amigo, hermano // informal word for "buddy"
                                                     gang: banda, pandilla // a group of young people who spend time together, often fighting with other groups and behaving badly

You will see it is a great way to begin with.

Post-watching activities: 

1) Draw a picture of your favourite character
2) Write in simple sentences the main ideas of the trailer
3) Imagine and write a different ending to the story

If you want me to correct your work, just send it to

Saturday, 12 January 2019


(by yourself and/or with a volunteer friend)

Practice and improve your English speaking skills with these simple activities

If you are an elementary student of English, I strongly recommend these activities which you can do alone (at first) so as to practice and improve your English speaking skills. 

Then, if you have a friend willing to work with you, try them. They will definitely help you soften your tongue. And you will show yourself that you CAN!!!

Write on a piece of paper with “agree” on one side, and “disagree” on the other side. Read aloud a controversial statement, e.g.: "Dogs shouldn´t live on the streets"  and try to say simple sentences (Remember S + V + the rest of the sentence) just to express if you agree or not. If a friend wants to help you try to hold a short debate.

Have a look! (and always remember: S + V + the rest of the sentence - simple word order until you are ready to go a step forward)

a) I love dogs / I don´t like dogs
b) It is not nice to find dog poop on the sidewalks
c) People must be responsible for their pets
d) We must help homeless dogs to find a safe place to live
e)We must promote responsible shelter for dogs living in the streets 

Find two or three pictures you really like on the web. You have to build up simple sentences trying to describe them in such a way your friend is able to draw them.  Have a look!

You can work like this:

a) I can see a sweet dog
b) It/He has brown hair with dark spots (todas las palabras que no sepas decir, búscalas en un diccionario y sin darte cuenta estarás aprendiendo inglés!!!!! - look up in the dictionary those words you want to use but don´t remember how to say them and ... you will be learning new words without noticing it!!!)
c) It/He has a big bar of brown chocolate in his mouth
d) The dog has beautiful eyes
e) Its/His ears are big
f) I like this dog very much

If you need someone to correct your sentences, just write to me :
I´m here, waiting to help you.