Thursday, 14 February 2019


Here I leave a chart with the most relevant english tenses. You can stick it on your fridge and look at it anytime. You will see how helpful it is.  And you will see they are not so hard to remember

Este cuadro sobre los tiempos verbales más relevantes (tomado de la pág. daydream) puedes pegarlo en la heladera y mirarlo a cada rato. Verás que te será de mucha ayuda! No son tan difíciles de recordar

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Antes de comenzar a aprender gramática inglesa, es muy conveniente repasar conceptos básicos que podemos haber olvidado o bien, nunca haber aprendido correctamente. 

Before starting to work with English grammar, it is advisable to review basic concepts we may have forgotten or perhaps we have not learned properly.

Miren este cuadro (encontrado en la pág. de creative teaching press) y repasen o estudien.

Have a look at this chart

Equivalentes en castellano

Monday, 11 February 2019

Have a look at what I´ve found at

You will find a lot of help in this great list. Just give a quick look at it.