It´s time to be calm and hopeful.
These difficult days will pass and we will succeed
That´s the reason I want to share with you some websites which you can have a look at trying to find what you need to improve your English
The British Council
offers this free online English test which perhaps you would like to take, just to see where you are standing with your knowledge
If you want to improve your listening skills, your speaking skills, have a look at theses links
I have graded videos for you to enjoy and learn with. Tell me what is your English level and I can share them with you.
If you want to practice grammar I have two fantastic links to share. One is the B. Council link and the other is Seonaid´s website. She has created this great page . Please visit it.
If there is any other thing that you would like to practice during quarantine, please, let me know. I will be glad to help you.
Take care and stay at home!, Ana