Monday, 22 February 2021

 Let´s start working with pronouns.

Credits to the site

Link to online exercises

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

 Present Continuous Tense

Take a look at these great charts 

(credits to and

I´m sure you will definitely understand this tense. For some practice, write to

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

 Why don´t you practise your Elementary English? Did you know you can enjoy a book, its audio file, you can learn vocabulary and much more?!

Enjoy this great mystery story: LOST LOVE. If you want another reader, just write to

Here I leave the audio file. Hope you like it!!

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Thursday, 11 February 2021

 How many times have you asked yourself about "ain´t"

Sponglish has published these great charts

Listen to this awesome song

Phrases To Describe Your English

On I have found this interesting material

When you are talking to someone PLEASE say the most convenient expressions

So how can you say that you’re an English learner without using words like “bad” or “terrible”?
Here are some useful phrases:
Don’t say: “My English is terrible.”
Say: “I’m working on improving my English.”
The focus of the second sentence is positive (“improving”) and it shows that you’re actively working on making your English better.
Don’t say: “Sorry for my bad English”
Say: “English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.”
The second sentence explains that you’re not a native speaker and requests patience and understanding – without using the word “bad” to describe your English.
Don’t say: “I don’t understand.”
Say: “Could you repeat that, please?”
“Could you rephrase that, please?”
“Could you speak a little slower so that I can understand you better?”
Asking the other person to repeat means you want them to say it again using the same words.
Asking the other person to rephrase means you want them to say it again using different words.
The last sentence asks the person to speak slower, but still focuses on the positive (“understand you better“) and not the negative (“I don’t / can’t understand”).
If The Other Person Doesn’t Understand You…
If you say something and the other person looks confused, don’t worry – maybe that they didn’t hear you, or they weren’t paying attention. It’s also possible that they’re not yet accustomed to your accent.
To check understanding, you can ask:
“Does that make sense?”
If the other person says no, then say:
“Let me try again.”
or: “Let me clarify.”
Then say your sentence again. You can try:
♣ repeating it using the same words
♣ rephrasing it using different words
♣ speaking slower and being careful with the pronunciation

And on Kaplan´s site I´ve found these useful expressions


The most common way of apologizing in English is by saying ‘sorry’ or ‘I’m sorry’. You can make your apology more emphatic by using adverbs, such as ‘very, so, terribly’.
To explain why you are sorry you have to add ‘for’ or ‘about.
For example
I’m really sorry for taking your lunch Steve.
Terribly sorry about what I said last night.
Warning! ‘Sorry’ is an adjective, not a verb. You cannot say ‘I sorry’.
You can say sorry without using the words ‘I’m sorry’
For example
I apologize for my terrible behavior.
I’d like to apologize for pushing you over.
I really must apologize for my bad manners.
We use ‘sorry’ to apologize after we have done something wrong. If you think a future action may upset someone else, you can say ‘excuse me’.
We can excuse ourselves in the following situations:
When interrupting, approaching, or leaving someone.
For example
Excuse me, do you have the time?
Excuse me, can I reach across you to get my bag?
Excuse me, can you show me the way to the Science Museum?
Please excuse me for a moment while I make a quick phone call.
When you have done something impolite or embarrassing, such as burping or sneezing.
For example
 Please excuse me, I think I have hay fever.
The people who are most successful in achieving goals are those who believe they CAN do it and who make the goal part of their identity. Even if your English is not perfect, tell yourself:

Monday, 8 February 2021

          Trying to improve your listening skill?

 Please, take a look at this post by the British   Council

          Choose your level and make a start

Sunday, 7 February 2021

 Let´s continue and finish with conditional clauses

Take a look at Woodward English charts and curso de ingles explanations

Second Conditional (Tipo 2)

Se utiliza el tipo 2 para expresar una posibilidad irreal en el presente, como un deseo o un sueño, o para una acción en el futuro no tan probable.

Ifpast simple“would” + infinitivo


 If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. / I would travel around the world if I won the lottery.(Si ganara la lotería, viajaría alrededor del mundo.)
 If Rachel had more time, she would learn to play the guitar. / Rachel would learn to play the guitar if she had more time.(Si Rachel tuviera más tiempo, aprendería a tocar la guitarra.)
 Would you be happy if you were to get married? / If you were to get married, would you be happy?(¿Estarías feliz si te casaras?)

Nota: Como en el tipo 1, se pueden usar otros verbos modales en vez de “would” para cambiar el significado y la posibilidad.

Third Conditional (Tipo 3)

A diferencia a los tipos 1 y 2, se utiliza el tercer tipo de condicional cuando hablamos de una condición en el pasado que no ha sucedido.

Ifpast perfect“would have” + past participle


 If I had known then what I know now, I would have done things differently. / I would have done things differently if I had known then what I know now.(Si hubiera sabido en el pasado lo que sé ahora, habría hecho las cosas de manera diferente.)
 Suzanne wouldn’t have had the heart attack if she had gone on a diet as her doctor recommended. / If Suzanne had gone on a diet as her doctor recommended she wouldn’t have had the heart attack.(Suzanne no hubiera tenido el infarto si hubiera hecho dieta como su médico le recomendó.)
 Would you have liked to go to university if you had been able to afford it? / If you had been able to afford it, would you have liked to go to university?(¿Te habría gustado ir a la universidad si te lo hubieras permitido pagar?)

Nota: Como en los tipos 1 y 2, se pueden usar otros verbos modales en vez de “would” para cambiar el significado y la probabilidad.

If you want online exercises with online corrections, write to

 Have you seen this video from Cambridge Assessment English?

 Take a look at this awesome chart published by Cambridge Assessment English

Saturday, 6 February 2021


Nosotros te damos el material de aprendizaje

Ven, inténtalo. Te va a encantar
Escuchamos el material de audio, lo leemos y luego lo conversamos entre todos con respeto y alegría. Todos queremos aprender y mejorar nuestro inglés.


Conditional clauses are not difficult to learn but sometimes, we don´t have the 4 types clear in mind. Look at the following explanation taken from site (credits to Woodward English charts)

Today, we´ll learn zero and first type. Next week, second and third type.

El uso del condicional significa que una acción depende de otra. Los condicionales se utilizan para hablar sobre situaciones reales o irreales. En general, las frases condicionales llevan la palabra “if” (si).

Ten en cuenta que no existe un tiempo verbal para el condicional en inglés como existe en español. A la vez, se usa el verbo auxiliar “would” para formar el condicional en inglés.

Hay cuatro tipos de frases condicionales y el uso de uno u otro refleja la probabilidad de la acción.

Conditional Types (Tipos de los condicionales)

Zero Conditional (Tipo 0)

Se usa este tipo de condicional cuando la condición y el resultado siempre es verdad, como por ejemplo los hechos científicos.

Ifpresent simplepresent simple


 If you heat water to 100° C, it boils. / Water boils if you heat it to 100° C.(Si calientas agua a 100 ° C hierve.)
 If I don’t practice the piano everyday I play poorly. / I play the piano poorly if I don’t practice everyday.(Si no practico el piano cada día toco mal.)
 Does your mom get mad if you don’t call her? / If you don’t call your mom, does she get mad?(¿Si no llamas a tu madre, se enoja?)

Nota: Podemos cambiar el orden de las frases sin cambiar el significado. También, en general con este tipo de condicional, podemos sustituir “if” por “when” sin alterar el significado.

First Conditional (Tipo 1)

Este tipo de condicional se utiliza para el futuro y en los casos en que es muy probable que la condición pasará.

Ifpresent simplefuture simple (“will”)


 If Bill studies, he will pass the exam. / Bill will pass the exam if he studies.(Si Bill estudia, aprobará el examen.)
 If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the beach. / We will go to the beach if it doesn’t rain.(Si no llueve, iremos a la playa.)
 Will you take the train if you miss the bus? If you miss the bus, will you take the train?(¿Cogerás el tren si pierdes el bus?)

Nota: Se pueden usar algunos verbos modales en vez de “will” para cambiar la probabilidad o expresar una opinión. Para más información, ver la lección sobre los verbos modales.


 If it doesn’t rain, we may go to the beach.(Significado: Con el uso de “may”, el significado de esta frase cambia. Ahora, el hablante reconoce que puede ir a la playa, pero no está tan seguro de si irá.)
 If it doesn’t rain, we should go to the beach.(Significado: En este caso, el uso de “should” expresa la opinión del hablante.)
 If it doesn’t rain, we can go to the beach.(Significado: “Can” significa que es posible ir a la playa, pero no indica la probabilidad.)