Thursday, 18 January 2018

Disinterested: impartial, objective (desinteresado bien intencionadamente)
Uninterested: bored, not interested (desinteresado)

Luggage: suitcases or other bags in which to pack personal belongings for travelling (se refiere al continente, a los elementos en los que se transporta el contenido- maletas, valijas)
Baggage: 1) suitcases and bags containing personal belongings packed for travelling (equipaje - maletas más lo que hay dentro)
                2) past experiences or long-held attitudes perceived as burdensome encumbrances (bagaje)

Miss: to fail to do or experience something; to arrive too late to get on a bus, a plane, etc. (perder, echar de menos)
Lose: to no longer have something because you do not know where it is; to have something or someone taken away from you.(perder, desperdiciar)

Sensible: based on or acting on good judgement and practical ideas (sensible, delicado)
Sensitive: easily upset by the things people say or do. (razonable, sensato)

Human: related to the species homo sapiens (humano)
Humane: showing passionate, care towards others especially those who are suffering (humanitario, compasivo)

Dairy: used to refer to cows that are used to produce milk rather than meat (lácteos)
Diary: a book in which you record your thoughts or feelings; a book with a separate space or page for each day (diario, agenda)

Farther: at a great measurable distance (más lejos)
Further: in greater non measurable depth (adicional, otro)

Loose: not tightly fastened (flojo, suelto)
Lose: to misplace (perder, desperdiciar)

Sympathetic: used to describe someone who shows that they understand and care about someone else´s suffering. (comprensivo, cordial, compasivo)

Nervous: worried and anxious (used not to describe personality) (nervioso, intranquilo)

Journey: one piece of travel (going from one place to another) - usually a long distance.(viaje, trayecto)
Trip: the act of going to another place (often for a short period of time) and returning. (viaje, excursión, recorrido)
Travel: going to another place, in general. (viaje)
WRONG USE: I bought this dress on my travel to Europe, I´m planning a travel to Singapur next July.

Receipt: a piece of paper that proves that money, goods or information have been received (recibo)
Prescription: a piece of paper on which the doctor writes the details of the medicine someone needs.(receta)

Hung: past tense of hang (colgar - I hung the picture on the wall)
Hanged: referring to a person being suspended by a rope around the neck until dead (ahorcado)

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