Sunday, 29 April 2018

If you want to learn English once and for all, so it may be of some help to follow this tips

Act now, learn English!

Si quieres aprender inglés de una vez y para siempre, quizás puedan ser de utilidad los siguientes tips

1) Don´t hurry. Perhaps it is one of the most important things. accept you will need to respect the steps needed to see results. You want to understand songs, movies, to travel and be able to talk to different people.... It´s OK but try, practice and see. You can do it!!!
Most of the books, you tube videos, music websites, offer their contents in different languages so take advantage of all these contents and start learning!

1) No te apures. Quizás una de las cosas más importantes es aceptar que necesitarás respetar los pasos necesarios para ver resultados. Quieres entender canciones, películas, viajar y poder hablar con diferentes personas.... Está bien. pero intenta, practica y ve. Puedes hacerlo!

2) In the web you´ll find extraordinary material from different editorials. I recommend ENGLISH FILE THIRD EDITION full set from Oxford University Press.
If you are a teenager start with the Beginner´s material. If you are an adult start with the Elementary one.

2) En la web encontrarás material extraordinario de diferentes editoriales. Te recomiendo el set completo de ENGLISH FILE THIRD EDITION, de Oxford University Press. 
Si eres adolescente, comienza con las actividades para Beginner y si eres adulto, comienza con el material de nivel Elementary. 

Have a look at some things you´ll find on this editorial´s page.

Mira algunas de las cosas que encontrarás en la página de esta editorial

These are some of the topics you can exercise 

3) Don´t worry if you feel like a child at the very beginning. Material for kids is great to listen and imitate. Just a few days and you´ll feel sure enough to face other readings, other listenings and other activities.

3) No te preocupes si te sientes como un niño al comienzo. El material para esta edad es extraordinario para escuchar e imitar. Apenas unos pocos días y te sentirás seguro para enfrentar otras lecturas, otros listenings y otras actividades.

I hope these ideas can help start learning the language you need! Don´t doubt and write to me if you feel I can be of any help.

Espero que estas ideas te ayuden a aprender el idioma que necesitas. No dudes en escribirme si puede ayudarte de algún modo.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Step to health is one of my latest discoveries . It is a site where I can read, enjoy and learn about tea time. I decided to use some of its material with  my English students. I´ll share it with you.

Teas to help you sleep

1) The best way to benefit from their relaxing properties is to drink a small amount right before going to bed.
La mejor manera de beneficiarse con las propiedades relajantes de un té, es beber una pequeña cantidad antes de acostarse.
2) In supermarkets, you can buy any type of plant already made to make tea.
En los supermercados puedes conseguir cualquier tipo de té, ya listo para tomar.
3) However, we recommend drinking them in their natural form. The majority of the plants are easy to grow in a flower pot.
Sin embargo, recomendamos beber los tés en su forma natural. La mayoría de las plantas crecen fácilmente en una maceta.
4) Making teas to help you sleep is very simple:
Preparar los tés para ayudarte a dormir es muy simple
  • First, heat a cup of water (250 ml) until it boils. Calentar una taza de agua hasta que hierva
  • Add whichever plant you prefer, it can be fresh or dried. Agregar cualquiera sea la planta que te guste. Puedes usar hojas secas o frescas.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes. Déjalo reposar por 10 minutos
  • After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Pasados los 10 minutos, apagar el fuego y dejarlo descansar por unos minutos más.
  • You can add honey to sweeten it. Puedes agregar miel para endulzarlo.
  • Enjoy it with small sips. Disfrútalo bebiendo pequeños sorbos

What are the best plants to use to make a tea to help you sleep?

Cuáles son las mejores plantas para preparar un té que lo ayude a dormir?
Although the most common thing to do is make a tea with just one medicinal plant, a mixture of various plants increases its relaxing properties.
A pesar de que acostumbramos hacer tés de una sola planta medicinal, 

Chamomile and Tila

If you are suffering from insomnia due to poor digestion, the mixture of these plants will solve the problem.
Tila is known for being a natural sedative which is highly recommended for relaxation and for relieving tension.
As for chamomile, it calms stomach problems and helps with digestion. Also, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and sedative properties.

2. Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm, or Melissa, has an acidic aroma. Using its flowers and leaves to make teas helps one get a deep sleep.
It is also used in aromatherapy because of its calming properties and its antispasmodic functions.

3. Mint Tea

Due to its strong and pleasant smell, it is often utilized in aromatherapy. It is also recommended to treat cases of anxiety and special cases of stress.
Since it contains anti-inflammatories and sedatives, it is a great way to get a better night’s sleep.

4. Mixture of passion flower and valerian

There are some types of intermittent sleep that are the result of nightmares or worries that wake us up in the middle of the night and inhibit our ability to rest.
In this case, drinking passion flower and valerian tea will help you say goodbye to this condition.
  • Passion flower contains natural anxiolytics and acts as a natural tranquilizer.
  • Valerian is one of the best known natural sedatives. Although its taste is not very pleasant, it induces sleep and reduces nervousness.

Tea recommended for older adults

For older adults who cannot get a deep and long sleep, we recommend the following tea.
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of Melissa leaves (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of valerian root (20 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of mint leaves (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
  • Heat the water and, once it starts to boil, add all of the ingredients. Let sit for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • After 10 minutes, strain it.
  • Add the honey and separate the tea into different proportions so that you can drink it after dinner and right before bed.

If your sleeping disorder is the result of mild depression, prepare the following drink.
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh valerian leaves (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of valerian root (10 g)
  • 1/2 tablespoon of fresh rosemary leaves (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh Melissa leaves (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • Pour half a liter of cold water over the ingredients of this mixture.
  • Let sit for 12 hours, stirring once in a while.
  • After 12 hours, strain and then sweeten with the honey before drinking it. We recommend drinking it 15 minutes before going to bed.
All of these teas are very beneficial for the body since they help to release toxins and they contain sedatives. These inhibit the nervous interactions that cause sleeping disorders.
If you want me to share some English exercises about teas, let me know. 

Friday, 20 April 2018

A few more interesting words about managing some pains just by massaging some pressure points. 

Look at what I´ve found at

You can use these pieces of advice just to feel a bit better or to make your english students work with english language in context rather than language structures or grammar
 Try it! You and your students will enjoy these practices.

Before you proceed with the massage, please take a few minutes and prepare a homemade oil or just a cream you really like and rub your hands together. Use gentle, upward movements.

Find the pressure point in the hand between your index finger and your thumb. The thick muscle above the webbed skin is loaded with nerve endings. Feel the bones of your hand as they stretch from your fingers toward your wrist. Locate the juncture where your thumb bones meet your index finger bones; the pressure point is located just above this in the fleshy portion of the hand. This pressure point is used during massage to encourage tranquility and ease ailments of the back, neck and head

Encuentre el punto de presión en la mano, entre su dedo índice y su pulgar. El grueso músculo de la palma tiene muchísimas terminaciones nerviosas. Sienta los huesos de su mano mientras se desplaza desde tus dedos hasta la muñeca. Ubique la unión donde los huesos de su pulgar se encuentran con los huesos de su dedo índice; el punto de presión está ubicado justo encima de este lugar de la mano. Este punto se usa durante el masaje para estimular la tranquilidad y aliviar las dolencias de espalda, cuello y cabeza.

A useful massage pressure point in the hand is found by following the line of the pinkie finger toward the wrist. Stop when you reach the point where your wrist meets your palm. You should feel a small gap where the ulna bone in your forearm intersects with the carpals or your hand. Applying massage pressure to this location to encourage relaxation and clear thoughts.

Se encuentra un punto de presión de masaje útil en la mano siguiendo la línea del
dedo meñique hacia la muñeca. Deténgase cuando llegue al punto donde su muñeca
se encuentra con su palma. Debería sentir un pequeño espacio donde el hueso del
cúbito en su antebrazo se cruza con los carpos o con la mano. Aplique presión al
masajear en esta ubicación para estimular la relajación y los pensamientos claros.

Locate the massage pressure point in the thumb. It is found on the outside lower corner of the nail. This will be a different side depending on which thumb you are using. On the right thumb nail, it is located on the lower left. On the left thumb nail, it is located on the lower right. This massage pressure point is said to relieve negative emotions.

Ubique el punto de presión de masaje en el pulgar. Se encuentra en la esquina inferior externa de la uña. Este será un lado diferente dependiendo del pulgar que estés usando. En la uña derecha del pulgar, se encuentra en la parte inferior izquierda. En el dedo pulgar izquierdo, se encuentra en la parte inferior derecha. Se dice que este punto de presión de masaje alivia las emociones negativas. 

If you want some exercises based on this topic, just let me know. I will be glad to help. Interested in other topics? Let me know. I´m here!

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

How to Administer Acupressure

This has nothing to do with English tips to learn or remember what we have studied, but no doubt, it will help you anytime. Have a look and practise (British English - with "c" in American English) your English! If you want, you can ask your students to investigate about this topic for their next class, and make them talk!

Use deep, firm pressure to massage and stimulate each point.
When massaging accupoints, try to relax in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.
Repeat the massage as often as you like; there is no limit to the number of times a day.
Besides massaging these points on yourself, anyone can also help massage these points for you.

Use una presión profunda y firme para masajear y estimular cada punto.

Al masajear puntos de acupuntura, trate de relajarse en una posición cómoda, cierre los ojos y respire profundamente.

Repita el masaje tantas veces como quiera; no hay límite para la cantidad de veces al día.

Además de masajear estos puntos contigo mismo, cualquier persona también puede ayudar a masajear estos puntos por ti.