Sunday, 30 April 2023

                                                                                          tks to Alexengvid

Belief + Behaviour = Change

I often post things to encourage English learners. “You can do it,” “It is possible,” etc.
I believe it when I tell you these things, and I hope you believe them too. Research shows that belief—preferably shared with a community (even if it’s just one other person!)—can help people to make positive changes in their lives.
However, belief without action only makes you feel good for a period of time, but it doesn’t get results.
Changing your habits and behaviours does that.
So, ask yourself: Are my current habits serving my goals? Can I replace one of my bad daily or weekly habits with a positive one instead?
This is an English learning page, so I assume that you have followed it because one of your goals is to improve your English skills. (You’re already part of a community! Good start!)
Are you satisfied with the amount of time and effort you dedicate to learning English? If not, can you make changes in your daily life to help you practice and improve in a way you will be happy with?
I will be revisiting and writing a companion article to the one below in the future, as my understanding of habits has evolved, but for now, maybe it’s a good starting point for you, or maybe this post has come at the right time to remind you of something you know but might have temporarily pushed aside in your mind.
You CAN do it. So, believe it, assess your situation, and make the necessary changes to help yourself build the habits and behaviours that will serve your longterm goals.
Start today.
Have a good week.

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