Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Want to know a bit more about Venice Carnival? Watch these videos and work with our Speaking Club activities (see below)

Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage about the Venice Carnival and answer the questions below:

"The Venice Carnival is an annual celebration that takes place in the city of Venice, Italy. It is famous for its elaborate masks and costumes, which people wear as they participate in various festivities and events throughout the city. The carnival dates back to the 11th century when it was originally held as a period of revelry and excess before the beginning of Lent. Today, the Venice Carnival attracts millions of tourists from all over the world who come to experience the unique atmosphere and traditions of this historic event."


  1. Where does the Venice Carnival take place?
  2. What is the carnival famous for?
  3. When did the carnival originate?
  4. Why do people wear masks and costumes during the carnival?
  5. Who attends the Venice Carnival today?

Role-Playing Activity: Role-play the following scenario with a partner: Scenario: You and your friend are visiting Venice during the Carnival. You're both excited to attend a masquerade ball, but you're unsure about what to wear. Discuss with your partner what kind of costumes you should wear and how you'll make your masks. Decide on the colors, decorations, and accessories for your costumes, and plan your evening at the ball.

Reflection Activity: Reflect on the following question and share your thoughts with the class: 

"What aspect of the Venice Carnival do you find most intriguing, and why? How would you like to experience the carnival if you had the opportunity to attend?" 

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