En más de una oportunidad podemos descubrirnos buscando "una vez más" ese par de palabras que nos hacen dudar.
En algún momento puede ser de ayuda contar con varias de ellas y por eso las incluí en esta entrada. Con la indispensable ayuda de los diccionarios "Oxford y Cambridge" espero ser útil con esta selección de palabras que presentaré semanalmente siguiendo un orden alfabético.
adverse: harmful, unfavourable
averse: opposed, strongly diliking
advice: recommendations about what to do
advise: to recommend something
aisle: a passage between rows of seats
isle: an island
all together: all in one place, all at once
altogether: completely, on the whole
amoral: not concerned with right or wrong
immoral: not following accepted moral standards
canvas: a type of strong cloth
canvass: to seek people´s votes
censure: to criticize strongly
censor: to ban parts of a book or film. A person who does this
coarse: (adj) vulgar, obscene, crude. Unrefined. Of inferior quality
course: (noun)
- an area of land used for a sports event (a golf course)
- the often gradual development of something or the way something happens
"In the course of the meeting...." (=during)
- The direction in which a vehicle, esp. a aircraft moves,or the path along which a river flows
- a part of a meal that is served separately from the other parts
- a fixed number of regular medical treatments
- a continuous horizontal layer of bricks
- (vb) to flow quickly or in large amounts
cue: a signal for action, a wooden rod
queue: a line of people or vehicles
desert: a waterless, empty area. To abandon.
dessert: the sweet course of a meal
discreet: careful not to attract attention
discrete: separate and distinct
disinterested: impartial
uninterested: not interested
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