No dejes de aprovechar estas expresiones tan útiles vinculadas a la educación
Muchas veces nos sorprendemos buscando en nuestra memoria cómo se dice correctamente "aprobé un examen", "estudiar a distancia", "cumplir con los requisitos de ingreso", etc. Mira la lista que armé, seguro alguna te va a servir!
- apply to a college/faculty
- meet the entry requirements
- pass the entrance exam
- get in /enroll in a college
- get accepted into a college
- receive a university place
- become/be a full time students
- be a self-financing student
- do distance learning
- do a degree at a college
- attend a college
- apply for a scholarship/a grant
- get a place in the dorm (itory)
- belong to a department
- get compulsory courses
- choose optional courses
- specialize in a field of study
- pay for tuition fees
- receive a scholarship/grant
Professors, lecturers and associate lecturers
- give lectures
- teach seminars
- hand in assignments
- provide reading lists
- give handouts
- post messages on the notice board
- take an entrance exam
- sit a written exam
- have an oral exam
- pass a mid-term exam
- fail a final exam
- re-sit
- write a thesis
- defend a thesis
- receive a Bachelor (undergraduate) degree
- graduate
- have a degree in ... (engineering)
- have a graduation ceremony
- do a post-graduate (Master) study
- receive a post-graduate (Master) degree
- do a PhD (doctorate)
Student obligations
- Study from textbooks
- learn for exams from course books
- revise for classes from course material
- prepare from handouts
- do background reading
- attend lectures and seminars
- take part in discussions
- take lecture notes
- write essays
- do seminar papers
- meet the deadlines
- hand in/submit assignments
- optional - elective
- compulsory - obligatory
- dorm - halls of residence
- thesis - dissertation
- semester - term
- get - receive
- degree - diploma
- student - scholar
- essay - paper
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